State Hwy 29 & County Hwy FF Interchange (WisDOT)
Drainage Design and Stormwater Management
Professional Engineering, LLC prepared the drainage plans and stormwater management report for the WIS 29 and County FF Interchange project. The project includes the construction of a diamond interchange to replace the existing intersection of WIS 29 and County FF; the reconstruction of County FF / Sherwood Street to create a two-lane divided boulevard with four roundabouts; and changes to the local road system to preserve access and circulation. Guidelines and regulations for used for stormwater management include the WisDOT Facilities Development Manual, Chapter 10, Erosion Control and Storm Water Quality; Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter TRANS 401, Construction Site Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Procedures for Department Actions; and the WisDOT/DNR Cooperative Agreement Amendment—Memorandum of Understanding on Erosion Control and Storm Water Management.
The overall stormwater management strategy for the proposed project would include the following:
- Limit disturbance of natural drainage features and vegetation.
- Prior to land disturbance, prepare and implement an approved erosion and sediment control plan.
- Protect areas that provide important water quality benefits and/or that are susceptible to erosion and sediment loss.
- Reduce direct discharge of highway runoff into streams and wetlands by having it flow through a filter strip or vegetated swale.
- Reduce runoff velocities by running storm water in shallow, flat-bottom ditches.